What is an adt file and how do I open an adt file?
The Sage ACT! Pro 2012 software uses files appended with the ADT extension as some of its document output files. This application can also be used to create these ADT files. Classified as data files, these ADT files contain details referenced by the software when a user wants to create a document with text formatting attributes and page layout elements similar to other documents previously created using this program. This means these ADT files are ACT! document template files. Users can install the ACT! Pro 2012 software into their Microsoft Windows-based systems to create these ADT files. Users can also edit the content of these template files with this software. The ACT! Pro 2012 application was developed by Sage Software, and these ADT files may also be used for groupware collaboaration purposes, since these ADT files can help users easily and conveniently create documents with text formatting elements and page layout attributes found in other documents developed using this software. Users can also edit and add other formatting and page layout attributes to these ADT files.
Relevant adt file links:
How to open adt file on YoutubeHow to open adt file on Wikipedia
How to open adt file on Microsoft.com