What is a ged file and how do I open a ged file?
The .ged file extension is used by many genealogical applications, and it is popularly known as a genealogical data File. Details about the user’s family history and information about his or her genealogy can be saved in the GEDCOM format, and these files are appended with the .ged extension. The file extension is not exclusively opened by the Ancestral Author application, since many other family history programs can be used to open .ged files. Family History programs are applications that are used to trace the genealogyical history of a certain person. It is used to record information about the user’s family tree. Many of these applications can be installed in widely used versions of Microsoft Windows, though there are some that are implemented with compatibility support for computers that run on Linux systems. There are also programs that can be installed in Mac platforms which can integrate compatibility support for creating, opening and viewing the content of these GED files.
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Relevant ged file links:
How to open ged file on YoutubeHow to open ged file on Wikipedia
How to open ged file on Microsoft.com