What is a rpt file and how do I open a rpt file?
Users of the Crystal Reports application save project output files in the RPT format. Also commonly known as report files, these .rpt files contain specific project data entered by the user. These specific pieces of information associated with a Crystal Reports project are gathered and initialized by the application when a user opens an RPT file, so as for the user to view and make edits or modifications to the output file using the functionalities provided by the Crystal Reports program. The Crystal Reports application is classified as a data management and reporting software for business-oriented purposes. Some of the functionalities provided by this application include the ability to gather and store data from a wide variety of database sources in one RPT output project file, support for multiple database types, interactive sorting of saved pieces of data and filtering through the data contained in an RPT file. These RPT files can then be viewed or opened using the application, and there is a version of this program called the Free Crystal Reports Viewer for this purpose, which is available in Mac and Microsoft Windows.
Recommended rpt file download:
SAP Crystal Reports 2011
SAP Crystal Reports Viewer
Microsoft Visual Studio 2012 with Crystal Reports plug-in
SAP Crystal Reports Viewer
Detail rpt file extension information:
File Format: Crystal Reports File
Primary Association: Data Files
Mime Type: application/x-rpt, magnus-internal/rpt
Relevant rpt file links:
How to open rpt file on YoutubeHow to open rpt file on Wikipedia
How to open rpt file on Microsoft.com