What is an ibooks file and how do I open an ibooks file?
The Apple iPad device can be used to read digital books and the digital books that are usually created for this device are saved as IBOOKS files; which is why they are called Multi-Touch iBooks. IBOOKS files are usually in the ePub 3 format, containing some proprietary Apple-specific additions. These files also refer to the text, videos, presentations, images; 3D objects as well other media contained in the digital books and the interaction of users through multi-touch gestures are supported by these files. IBOOKS are only used for the Apple iPad, but they are not created using this device. Instead, they are created using the iBooks Author application; a program used for the designing and publishing of digital books. The IBOOKS files can either be exported to the ibooks format, PDF files or plain text files and once the IBOOKS files have been completed, they can be published to the iBookstore with the use of the iTunes Producer program.
Relevant ibooks file links:
How to open ibooks file on YoutubeHow to open ibooks file on Wikipedia
How to open ibooks file on Microsoft.com