What is an id2 file and how do I open an id2 file?
ID2 files are Windows Live Messenger Emoticon Files mainly used by the Windows Live Messenger chat program. The data contained in these ID2 files are the emoticon names as well as keyboard shortcuts and these files are usually combined with an associated .DT2 image file in order for an emoticon to be displayed. ID2 files are also used mainly for the creation of customized emoticons. Users can encrypt and decrypt ID2 files with the use of a WLM user's Passport User ID (PUID). These files can be found in the "Application DataMicrosoftMessenger[LiveID]ObjectStoreCustomEmoticons" user subdirectory in Windows XP; while in Windows Vista, these files can be found in the "AppDataMicrosoftMessenger[LiveID] ObjectStoreCustomEmoticons" user subdirectory. Using a .DT2 file hash, these files are named automatically that is why they have cryptic names. These files are mainly accessed with Windows Live Messenger, another popular instant messaging application supporting text chats, video calls and audio calls.
Recommended id2 file download:
Microsoft Windows Live Messenger
Detail id2 file extension information:
Relevant id2 file links:
How to open id2 file on YoutubeHow to open id2 file on Wikipedia
How to open id2 file on Microsoft.com