What is an alc file and how do I open an alc file?
Ableton Live clip files are classified as data files and are used as the default output file of the Ableton Live software. These files are saved in this format and are appended with the .alc extension. The content of these ALC data files consist of audio data created using the Ableton Live program. This software was developed to provide users with digital audio creation and editing functionalities, most useful for developing audio clips which can be inserted or embedded into presentations and videos or even unto Web pages, provided that the ALC file is converted into audio data formats supported by standard Web pages. These ALC files are mostly audio clips created with the Ableton Live software when a user crops or cuts segments of a much larger audio file. Ableton developed the Ableton Live and the ALC audio data file format for users of Microsoft Windows-based systems, and there is also a version of this software that can run on Mac platforms, so users of any of these systems can install this application to start creating, opening and editing ALC files.
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Ableton Live
Detail alc file extension information:
File Format: Ableton Live Clip File
Primary Association: Audio Files
Mime Type: chemical/x-alc, chemical/x-alchemy
Relevant alc file links:
How to open alc file on YoutubeHow to open alc file on Wikipedia
How to open alc file on Microsoft.com