What is an aria file and how do I open an aria file?
The ARIA file extension is a data format associated to Chipsounds. ARIA files and to Chipsounds were developed by Plogue. The ARIA extension was taken from the ARIA Engine, which is the software that drives the sound generation for Plogue's technologies. These binary files contain advanced sound settings for chip music saved for future use. MIDI files are in charge of playing back the presently loaded chip setup and any other features (e.g. Ambience reverb) activated in the player. They are used for saving and loading audio presets. The software produced audio by eight vintage computer systems. It is used for generating sounds similar to those on older computers, arcades, and game consoles. There are three ways to use Plogue chipsounds: as a plug-in within a sequencer, with a supported tracker program, or ‘live’ as a standalone application. Files in ARIA format can be opened with Plogue chipsounds in Mac Os and Microsoft Windows based Systems.
Relevant aria file links:
How to open aria file on YoutubeHow to open aria file on Wikipedia
How to open aria file on Microsoft.com