What is a copy file and how do I open a copy file?
The COPY file extension is a data format known as Sony Ericsson Protected Content File. COPY files are copy-protected files used by Sony Ericsson mobile phones for their ringtone files. The MIME type is "application/vnd.sem.mms.protected". Sony Ericsson has developed a proprietary DRM method excluded in the OMA DRM standard but supported by the Sony Ericsson DRM Packager. The DRM Packager is free software that allows third party content providers/developers to protect their content. This method consists of a proprietary Sony Ericsson DRM header added to the content. It does not feature more sophisticated DRM management such as the encryption and rights features as used with combined and separate delivery. Other protected media files created by Sony Ericsson include DCF and DM files. Files in COPY format can be opened with Sony Ericsson DRM Packager or compatible Sony Ericsson cell phone in Microsoft Windows based systems.
Recommended copy file download:
Sony Ericsson DRM Packager or compatible Sony Ericsson cell phone
Detail copy file extension information:
Relevant copy file links:
How to open copy file on YoutubeHow to open copy file on Wikipedia
How to open copy file on Microsoft.com