What is a dra file and how do I open a dra file?
The DRA file extension is a data format known as Nuance Dragon Voice Recording File or Dragon Recorded Audio file. DRA files are associated with Dragon. The DRA files and Dragon software were developed by Nuance Communications. DRA files are audio files that store audio as it was dictated by the user and produces generated text for future editing if it does not match the dictation. Dragon software generates text documents from voice recordings by using speech recognition technology. It uses the AutoTranscribe Folder Agent (ATFA) which organizes text and synchronized audio flow. The AFTA creates the synchronized audio file DRA that contains the acoustic data and later on sends the transcript and DRA file to the appropriate designated Outbox. Files in DRA format can be opened with Nuance Dragon Dictate 2.5 for Mac operating systems and Nuance Dragon NaturallySpeaking 11.5 for Microsoft Windows-based systems. Transcribing voice recording is better when using accurate Digital Voice Recorders.
Relevant dra file links:
How to open dra file on YoutubeHow to open dra file on Wikipedia
How to open dra file on Microsoft.com