What is a dtm file and how do I open a dtm file?
A DigiTrakker module file is stored in the DTM format, and this audio tracking module file format is implemented into the DigiTrakker software, which is an application that can be used to open and edit the content of these DTM files. Audio tracking applications for Microsoft Windows-based systems like the DigiTrakker software can be used to enter many audio tracks into one DTM file. The other pieces of content stored in a DTM file may include musical notations associated to the audio tracks entered by the author of the DTM file. These DTM files may also contain metadata info associated to the audio tracks stored in the DTM file, such as audio track playback length, audio track size and details corresponding to the artists that produced the audio tracks. The CocoModX software is one program developed for Mac platforms that can be used to open, view and edit the content of these DTM files. When a user of any of these supported applications views the content of these DTM files, these programs reference the data stored in these DTM files to display it in the GUIs (Graphical User Interfaces) of the application window.
Relevant dtm file links:
How to open dtm file on YoutubeHow to open dtm file on Wikipedia
How to open dtm file on Microsoft.com