What is a dvf file and how do I open a dvf file?
A Sony digital voice file is stored in the DVF format and is affixed with the .dvf extension, and these DVF files are used by IC digital audio recording devices manufactured by Sony. These DVF files are generally classified as audio files and are encoded with proprietary compression specifications. Some of these Sony IC digital audio recording devices implemented with support for the content stored in a DVF file include ICD-BP150 and ICD-BP100 hardware units. These DVF files can only be used, opened and accessed with applications developed by Sony. The Sony Digital Voice Editor software can be installed to implement support for the conversion of these DVF files into other widely used formats. The Sony Digital Voice Player software can on the other hand be used in Microsoft Windows-based platforms to access and view the content stored in these DVF files, while users of computers running on a supported Microsoft Windows-based system can install and use the Sony Digital Voice Editor software to create, open and modify the content stored in these DVF files.
Relevant dvf file links:
How to open dvf file on YoutubeHow to open dvf file on Wikipedia
How to open dvf file on Microsoft.com