What is a frg file and how do I open a frg file?
A Sony Sound Forge Pro project file can be created using the Sound Forge 10 software from Sony, a digital audio development and editing program designed to provide users with multitrack audio authoring and editing functionalities among other audio mastering and mixing features. Sony Sound Forge Pro project files are implemented with encoding, compilation and compression specifications proprietary to Sony and the Sound Forge Pro software. These Sony Sound Forge Pro project files are saved in the FRG format and are affixed with the .frg extension. The content of these FRG files may include reference data files like the audio clips and files entered or added by the author of the Sound Forge Pro project, effects implemented into the FRG file that may include reverb, chorus, distortion and so on, along with configuration settings of those sound clips, audio files and effects. The Sound Forge 10 application is implemented with support for exporting these FRG project output files into many formats, such as MP3, WMA and WAV among other widely used audio data file formats. This software is also integrated with CD and DVD burning features for storing these FRG projects in disks.
Recommended frg file download:
Sony Sound Forge Pro 10
Detail frg file extension information:
Relevant frg file links:
How to open frg file on YoutubeHow to open frg file on Wikipedia
How to open frg file on Microsoft.com