What is an amf file and how do I open an amf file?
The AMF file extension is a data format known as DSMI Advanced Module Format (AMF) or ASYLUM Music Format. AMF files and DSMI Advanced Module Format were developed by Otto Chrons. DSMI stands for Digital Sound and Music Interface. These files contain song data and samples that are used for the instrument sounds with supporting audio tracker programs. One example of instrument sound is the LinnStrument which was a keyboard replacement. It was an invention of Roger Linn. The Asylum Music File format was used in the two games, the Crusader: No Remorse and the Crusader: No Regret which contain music by Necros and Basehead. AMF files are stored in the Asylum subfolder. Files in AMF format can be opened with MikMod, CocoModX , Nullsoft Winamp Media Player 5.6, Schism Tracker, MODPlug Player, and Open Cubic Player in Mac Os and Microsoft Windows-based systems.
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Detail amf file extension information:
File Format: Advanced Module File
Primary Association: Audio Files
Mime Type: application/adrift
Relevant amf file links:
How to open amf file on YoutubeHow to open amf file on Wikipedia
How to open amf file on Microsoft.com