What is an a4m file and how do I open an a4m file?
Authorware application development projects of media-rich applications for e-learning industries can be saved in an unpackaged format for further development. The Authorware 4 application is a program that can be used to develop these e-learning applications, and these media-rich projects can be for Microsoft Windows-based systems or for users of Mac platforms. These unpackaged Authorware 4 application development projects can be saved in files with the .a4m extension. An unpackaged Authorware 4 application development project saved in the .a4m format refers to project versions yet to be converted into distributable packages, since certain functionalities and features still need to be completed or finalized. These A4M files also refer to unpackaged Authorware 4 projects developed for Mac-based platforms. Files in the .a4w extension on the other hand are unpackaged Authorware 4 projects developed for Microsoft Windows-based systems. Macromedia developed version 7 of the Authorware software before Adobe Systems acquired Macromedia. The Authorware 7 software can be installed in a Microsoft Windows-based system or in a Mac platform to integrate support for these A4M and A4W files.
Relevant a4m file links:
How to open a4m file on YoutubeHow to open a4m file on Wikipedia
How to open a4m file on Microsoft.com