What is an aam file and how do I open an aam file?
The Authorware software uses AAM files as data files containing objects, elements and details needed by an application (developed using the Authorware program) to run properly. A wide variety of e-learning multimedia applications can be created using the Authorware software, and version 7 is used by many users of Microsoft Windows-based systems. Mac users can also install the Authorware 7 software using an installer of a version provided by Adobe Systems for Mac-based platforms. The content of these AAM files are located and retrieved by the Authorware software when required by a user when viewing the content of these e-learning applications. These may be images, digital videos, audio clips and details like directory locations of certain developer library files and images included in the content of an e-learning application developed using Authorware. This is why AAM files are also referred to as Authorware application map files. These e-learning applications can be distributed in CDs, DVDs and on the Internet, and the Authorware Web player software can be integrated into Web pages to play and view the content of these e-learning applications using a standard Web browser for Microsoft Windows and Mac, and a Web browser plug-in must first be installed.
Recommended aam file download:
Adobe Authorware 7
Adobe Authorware 7
Detail aam file extension information:
File Format: Authorware Map File
Primary Association: Data Files
Mime Type: application/x-authorware-map
Relevant aam file links:
How to open aam file on YoutubeHow to open aam file on Wikipedia
How to open aam file on Microsoft.com