What is an adu file and how do I open an adu file?
Files stored in the ADU format are used by an application that can be added to word processing software or to text editing applications developed for Microsoft Windows-based systems. These ADU files are classified as data files because stored in a file with the .adu extension includes pieces of data which can be referenced by a word processing software or a text editor that has been added with the main application that is used to create, open and edit these ADU files. These ADU files are also called Addict user dictionary files due to the nature of the content of a file stored in the .adu format. The Addict software can be used to create, open and edit the content of an ADU file. Addictive Software developed the Addict software as an application which can be added to widely used word processing and text editing programs like Microsoft Word, Microsoft WordPad and Microsoft Notepad among others. This application can be installed by users of computers running on Microsoft Windows systems, so they can create and open these ADU files. The content of these ADU files include dictionary terms that can be referenced by the associated word processing or text editing software added with the Addict software, and this happens when the user accesses the grammar and spell checking features integrated into the word processing or text editor application. Files with the .adu extension are also used as reference data files when a user accesses the thesaurus features implemented into the associated word processing or text editor software.
Recommended adu file download:
Addictive Software Addict
Detail adu file extension information:
Relevant adu file links:
How to open adu file on YoutubeHow to open adu file on Wikipedia
How to open adu file on Microsoft.com