What is an ald file and how do I open an ald file?
Microsoft acquired Axtapa Systems and later developed the Microsoft Dynamics AX software that uses files appended with the ALD extension. These ALD files are also known as Application Label data files and its content is referenced by the Microsoft Dynamics AX, which happens when users creating or editing the associated project output file (using the Microsoft Dynamics AX application) want to enter form data into those project output files. The content of these ALD files are text messages entered by the user for forms found in the project output file that was saved using the Microsoft Dynamics AX program, and these ALD files are automatically created by the software upon saving the main project output file. The Microsoft Dynamics AX software also associates these ALD files to the corresponding project output files for quick and easy referencing and retrieval when the user wants to view the content of those project output files. Users of Microsoft Windows-based platforms can install the Microsoft Dynamics AX program to start creating, opening or editing projects and to also integrate support into their systems for the ALD file format. The Microsoft Dynamics AX software is classified as a business productivity application.
Recommended ald file download:
Microsoft Dynamics AX
Detail ald file extension information:
Relevant ald file links:
How to open ald file on YoutubeHow to open ald file on Wikipedia
How to open ald file on Microsoft.com