What is an amu file and how do I open an amu file?
Digital photo albums can be created using a wide variety of photo editing applications, and these programs store content entered by the user and save it in files with proprietary file formats and also append these output files with proprietary file extensions. The AMU file extension is an example of a proprietary file extension of a proprietary file format for digital photo albums created using the PictureGear Studio software. This application was developed by Sony and is bundled with some VAIO devices running on Microsoft Windows (VAIO products are also manufactured by Sony). Users of Microsoft Windows-based systems can install the PhotoGear Studio to start creating project output files in the .amu format and can also begin to open and edit these AMU files, since AMU support will be integrated after installing the PhotoGear Studio software. This application references the data stored in these AMU files when the user views them, and these pieces of data include details of the images and formatting attributes entered by the author of the photo album project.
Recommended amu file download:
Sony PictureGear Studio
Detail amu file extension information:
Relevant amu file links:
How to open amu file on YoutubeHow to open amu file on Wikipedia
How to open amu file on Microsoft.com