What is an atf file and how do I open an atf file?
Molecular Devices developed GenePix Pro Software, a program used by genetic and medical scientists for DNA sequencing analysis, and this application is classified as a microarray analysis software. Reports and data generated by machines and other scientific instruments used for DNA experiments can be efficiently analyzed using these types of applications. GenePix Pro Software uses the ATF file format as a data file that it references when required. This ATF file format was originally developed by Axon Instruments, and the data stored in files appended with the .atf extension includes DNA experimental information generated as reports by the scientific machines and instruments used for micro array and DNA sequencing analysis. Users can create an ATF file by using the GenePix Pro Software, entering the data produced as scientific details of associated experiments via the features integrated into the software, using the other functions available in the GenePix Pro Software to process and format the data and saving it in the ATF format. The GenePix Pro Software can also be used to open and edit existing ATF files.
Relevant atf file links:
How to open atf file on YoutubeHow to open atf file on Wikipedia
How to open atf file on Microsoft.com