What is a csa file and how do I open a csa file?
Files encoded in the CSA format are classified as data files, and these CSA files are created and saved using the Agilent PNA Code software. These CSA files are affixed with the .csa extension when saved by a user with the Agilent PNA Code application. The "CSA" in a file in the CSA format stands for Cal/State/Archive since the content stored in a CSA file consists of details encoded with Calset specifications. Particularly, measurement information entered by the user of the Agilent PNA Code software is stored in these CSA files. Users of computers running on Microsoft Windows-based systems can install the Agilent PNA Code program to create, open, view and edit the content of these CSA files. The Agilent PNA Code software references the data stored in a CSA file when a user opens it, for the program to display the data stored in the CSA file. The content of a CSA file is also updated by the Agilent PNA Code software when a user saves the additional content and other changes implemented into the CSA file. Agilent developed the CSA file format as well as the PNA Code program.
Relevant csa file links:
How to open csa file on YoutubeHow to open csa file on Wikipedia
How to open csa file on Microsoft.com