What is a ctv file and how do I open a ctv file?
CTV files are appended with the .ctv extension and are specifically known as Citavi project files. Swiss Academic Software developed the CTV format for data files used by the Citavi application. Data files are classified as files that contain data stored by a user or an associated application, and these pieces of data are referenced by certain programs when a user requests access to the content of these files. The Citavi software can be used to create projects that will later be saved in the CTV format. Existing CTV project files can also be opened and edited with this application. The Citavi program is classified as Windows reference management software, and the data stored in these CTV files includes citation details associated to relevant information sources used by the author of the CTV project. A user may also enter notes or comments into a CTV file. Users of computers running on Microsoft Windows-based systems can install the Citavi software to start authoring, opening and editing the content of these CTV files.
Recommended ctv file download:
Swiss Academic Citavi
Detail ctv file extension information:
Relevant ctv file links:
How to open ctv file on YoutubeHow to open ctv file on Wikipedia
How to open ctv file on Microsoft.com