What is a dii file and how do I open a dii file?
Summation batch load files contain structured data, and this data is written in multiple lines formatted as non-delimited text. These Summation batch load files are encoded in ASCII and saved in the DII format. These DII files are appended with the .dii extension and are used by Summation Core Database applications, such as the iBlaze software, also known as WebBlaze. These Summation Core Database applications use the data stored in these DII files as reference details for establishing links of certain database summaries to the corresponding image files. The DII format is implemented with support for digital images encoded in widely used formats for scanned text and eDocs, and these scanned materials are specifically hard copies of documents processed with OCR (Optical Character Recognition) technology and converted into digital formats. Users of Microsoft Windows-based systems can install the WebBlaze or iBlaze application (developed by CT Summation) to integrate support into their systems for these DII files.
Recommended dii file download:
CT Summation iBlaze or WebBlaze
Detail dii file extension information:
Relevant dii file links:
How to open dii file on YoutubeHow to open dii file on Wikipedia
How to open dii file on Microsoft.com