What is a ditamap file and how do I open a ditamap file?
DITA topic map files are saved in the DITAMAP format and are appended with the .ditamap extension. These are also associated to DITA documents (files saved in the DITA format and affixed with the .dita extension) with contextual information that corresponds to the structured topic map found in these DITAMAP files. The DITA format stands for Darwin Information Typing Architecture format and was developed by OASIS. These DITAMAP files are encoded and saved with XML-based specifications. Topic references are saved in these .ditamap files by using
tags in the associated DITA document. The functionalities implemented into the DITAMAP and DITA document formats provide DITA document authors with the ability to organize topics in structured layers and outlines. Users of Microsoft-based systems can install the Eclipse software and use the XMLBuddy plug-in to start authoring, opening and editing the content of these DITA documents and its associated DITAMAP files. There are also versions of this software and plug-in for Mac and Linux platforms.
Relevant ditamap file links:
How to open ditamap file on YoutubeHow to open ditamap file on Wikipedia
How to open ditamap file on Microsoft.com