What is a dtr file and how do I open a dtr file?
DATroniC data recording files are generally classified as data files and are saved in the DTR format. These DTR files are affixed with the .dtr extension and are used for entering and storing calibration settings and other attributes associated to the ECUs (Electronic Control Units) of particular automobile engines. The MARC 4CAN can be used to create, view and edit the content of these DTR files, of which data stored in a DTR file usually includes recorded automobile information, and this data is generated with the use of DATroniC data logging equipment. These pieces of data saved in these DTR files can in turn be viewed and studied with the aid of data analysis software. The MARC 4CAN application can be installed in a computer running on Microsoft Windows-based systems to implement support for these DTR files into the system. AFT developed the DTR file format and the MARC 4CAN software. Support for importing the content of these DTR files into the XLS spreadsheet format is also integrated into these DTR files.
Relevant dtr file links:
How to open dtr file on YoutubeHow to open dtr file on Wikipedia
How to open dtr file on Microsoft.com