What is a gedcom file and how do I open a gedcom file?
The .gedcom file extension is used for files created in the GEDCOM format, and these are normally classified as genealogy files. GEDCOM stands for Genealogical Data Communication, and it is a format that contains family history information. It is mainly used to record a person’s genealogy data and all relevant information about his or her family tree members. This means the content of this file is usually entered by the user, and these pieces of data are relevant to certain details about the user's relatives. It can be used to organize and track family history, and it is mostly used for genealogy research. These .gedcom files are usually saved in a text format, and these files usually have the .ged extension. Opening files with the .gedcom extension is not difficult. Any OS can be used to open these files, provided the computer has compatible programs installed, such as GEDitCOM for MAC OS, Ancestral Author and Ages for Windows. Other applications that can be used to open .gedcom files are implemented with support for Linux systems. This means users should install these programs, particularly ones that have support for their specific operating system versions, in order to start creating, editing and viewing the content of these GEDCOM files.
Relevant gedcom file links:
How to open gedcom file on YoutubeHow to open gedcom file on Wikipedia
How to open gedcom file on Microsoft.com