What is a gis file and how do I open a gis file?
The .gis file extension is used as settings files found in the CFS Console progam. This program is mainly used for the installation of games that the Zaplots Company develops. The .gis files are used in order for the games to be installed into the CFS console and once the game is installed, it can already be played by anybody. Without .gis files, any link to Zaplots games may not work. The .gis file extension is also known to be associated with ERDAS IMAGINE. This is an application for creating models, whether 2D or 3D models and they are usually used in creating 3D movies nowadays. The .gis file extension makes it possible to display 2D or 3D images, lines, points, etc. that makes it possible to create models using the software. The .gis file extension is also associated with Carlson SurvCADD, a collection of tools that are used in surveys.
Recommended gis file download:
Zaplots CFS Console
Detail gis file extension information:
File Format: CFS Console Game Installer Settings File
Primary Association: Data Files
Relevant gis file links:
How to open gis file on YoutubeHow to open gis file on Wikipedia
How to open gis file on Microsoft.com