What is a graphml file and how do I open a graphml file?
The GRAPHML file extension is used by files created with programs similar to that of yEd. This program is a popular graph creator or diagramming program that can accommodate huge amounts of date and can print diagrams with numerous pages. yEd application houses GRAPHML as its resident filing system for creating diagrams, data import, automatic layout and accurate output. GRAPHML is composed of Extensible Markup Language or XML which makes it both machine and human readable allowing this file format to cover wide range of graphical forms like hyper graphs, mixed graphs and undirected and directed graphs. These graphs utilize nodes and edges that represent numerical value defined by the users. Gephi is a visualization and network analysis application commonly used by journalists and various university research projects that also employ GRAPHML file format. GRAPHML files are used by this program to store and access network traffic and visual connectivity data.
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Relevant graphml file links:
How to open graphml file on YoutubeHow to open graphml file on Wikipedia
How to open graphml file on Microsoft.com