What is a grr file and how do I open a grr file?
The GRR file extension is used in files created with the Gradekeeper program. This program was developed and distributed by Daniel Ethier. The objective of this program was to simulate a gradebook in digital format and to provide easy solutions for managing attendance, grade records and other school performance related data. GRR files are composed of class file, grades, assignments, attendance, test scores and other fundamental data necessary to compute and run your class. These files are accessed by the Gradekeeper program and are used to prepare seating arrangement charts, image reports, compute final grades and even place grades online. Gradekeeper provides multiple settings and features that can be customized based on the needs of the user. The Gradekeeper program also offers support for Pocket PCs, Palm OS and other handheld or mobile device. Data files gathered from this mobile application are also saved as GRR files so users can easily synchronize them to their computers.
Relevant grr file links:
How to open grr file on YoutubeHow to open grr file on Wikipedia
How to open grr file on Microsoft.com