What is a hst file and how do I open a hst file?
When users use applications such as Corel Wordperfect and Yahoo Messenger, etc. it’s easy to notice the history of events that relate to these programs. These history files are known as the HST files. They are the data files that may be compared to LOG files, only that they have a broader range of purposes. For Yahoo Messenger application, these HST files contain the chat-log details or the history of the conversation between two or more users. HST files in Yahoo Messenger may also refer to the offline messages sent by one user to another. In Corel WordPerfect, HST files refer to history files as well, specifically the Corel QuickCorrect and Speller history files. When users enter data for correction or spell checks, the history of the searches and corrections made are all HST files. Aside from Yahoo Messenger and Corel WordPerefect, various programs also make use of the HST files such as Symantec Anti-Virus programs, Netscape and Garmin MotionBased.
Relevant hst file links:
How to open hst file on YoutubeHow to open hst file on Wikipedia
How to open hst file on Microsoft.com