What is a htb file and how do I open a htb file?
The help files users refer to when using Audacity are deemed as HTB files. These files are categorized as data files storing Windows help file compressed archives, images and HTML files. HTB files are useful when it comes to the display of help information especially when users select the Help → Contents menu in Audacity. These files are stored in a ZIP format since they refer to the compressed archive of Windows help files. With this, renaming these files’ extension to ZIP and decompressing them with any decompression utility for ZIP is possible. The main application associated with HTB files is Audacity. It is an application that is used to record and edit sounds, available for various operating systems. This application provides users the ability to record live audio, edit sound files like MP3, WAV, etc., change recording speed and pitch, mix sounds together as well as cut or copy them and a lot more.
Relevant htb file links:
How to open htb file on YoutubeHow to open htb file on Wikipedia
How to open htb file on Microsoft.com