What is an i5z file and how do I open an i5z file?
I5Z files are categorized as data files developed by IUCLID. These files are known as IUCLID 5 Import/Export Files since they refer to the scientific data format necessary to import and export data into the IUCLID 5 program. I5Z files also refer to the several data files that are formatted in XML as well as files that are compressed in a .ZIP archive. IUCLID is a very useful application for the capture, maintenance, storage and exchange of data that has something to do with chemical substance properties. Its name actually stands for "International Uniform Chemical Information Database" wherein it is the European Chemicals Bureau (ECB) that usually maintains it. Other companies under the chemical industries may also use this application not only because it is used to submit data obligations under certain chemical laws, but because it is also software that is distributed freely. This application also runs on Windows operating system.
Relevant i5z file links:
How to open i5z file on YoutubeHow to open i5z file on Wikipedia
How to open i5z file on Microsoft.com