What is an icalevent file and how do I open an icalevent file?
The ICALEVENT file extension was developed by Apple. This file extension is used by files categorized as data files and known as iCal Event Files. These files are deemed as ICAL EVENT files because they refer to the files used by the program Spotlight. ICALEVENT files are files that contain calendar event data cached and useful for searches. These files are usually saved in this directory: [user]/Library/Caches/Metadata/iCal/. These files also refer to files corresponding to the calendar events that the iCal application created. Apple Ical is an application that runs on MAC OS. It is an application providing users with tools needed for the tracking of schedules, birthdays, appointments, reminders and other events that are important for the users so they won’t have to miss any of these events. Since the ICALEVENT files contain all the event data created using Ical, they are deemed important for ICAL to be user-friendly and to serve its purpose.
Recommended icalevent file download:
Apple iCal
Detail icalevent file extension information:
Relevant icalevent file links:
How to open icalevent file on YoutubeHow to open icalevent file on Wikipedia
How to open icalevent file on Microsoft.com