What is an imt file and how do I open an imt file?
The data files created using Intuit My Time are known as IMT files categorized as data files. These files contain information about a timesheet that are saved in the XML format. IMT files are importable as they can be imported into QuickBooks 2010 for Mac. These files are also exportable because they can also be exported into a standard text format using MyTime. This way, IMT fifes can be imported and edited using spreadsheet applications already. Since IMT files contain timesheet information, they contribute a lot to MyTime’s major function which is to allow users to track time. MyTime saves time information through the importation of timesheet data into QuickBooks 2010 for Mac so that there is quick generation of invoices. Even though IMT files are created and opened using MyTime , they can also be opened using Intuit QuickBooks Mac 2012 especially when they are exported into a standard text format.
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Relevant imt file links:
How to open imt file on YoutubeHow to open imt file on Wikipedia
How to open imt file on Microsoft.com