What is an ish1 file and how do I open an ish1 file?
Developed by FableVision and categorized as data files, the ISH1 files are known as Animation-ish Wiggledoodle-ish Documents. They are the drawing doodles or the "Wiggledoodle-ish” created using the software known as Animation-ish. ISH1 files contain a three drawing frame sequence by which each frame contains brush strokes and color fills. These are files that can be animated using the software after they have been drawn. There are actually three levels of Animation-ish documents such as the "FlipBook-ish" documents (.ISH2 extension), the "Advanced-ish" documents (.ISH3 extension) and the Wiggledoodle-ish documents. Even though they have similarities, they also differ because the ISH1 files or the Wiggledoodle-ish documents are the simplest among the three. Animation-ish is a program for the creation of educational drawing and animation helpful for children to discover and enhance their creativity. This software can run on both Windows and MAC operating systems and is the main application that can open ISH1 files.
Recommended ish1 file download:
FableVision Animation-ish
FableVision Animation-ish
Detail ish1 file extension information:
File Format: Animation-ish Wiggledoodle-ish Document
Primary Association: Data Files
Relevant ish1 file links:
How to open ish1 file on YoutubeHow to open ish1 file on Wikipedia
How to open ish1 file on Microsoft.com