What is a llb file and how do I open a llb file?
LabVIEW creates program libraries that are saved in the LLB format and attached the file extension .llb. The program is used to perform tests, measurements and control usually performed by scientists and engineers. It is design software that helps users read case studies and technical papers that could help scientists and engineers solve problems and do their tasks easily and successfully. The LLB files created using this software are considered LABVIEW Library files as they help in recording data found in different measurement and control hardware to be analyzed using the computer. When using LABVIEW 8 to create LLB files, users need to Build Specifications→New→Source Distribution as well as click on "Destination is LLB" box. A popup window would appear and users need to clink on YES then build to finally create LLB files. LLB files can be opened using the National Instruments LabVIEW and can run on Linux, MAC OS and Windows operating systems.
Relevant llb file links:
How to open llb file on YoutubeHow to open llb file on Wikipedia
How to open llb file on Microsoft.com