What is a mma file and how do I open a mma file?
The Master Album Maker Photo Album File is stored in the MMA format and is affixed with MMA extension and is used by Mouse's Master Album Maker software. These MMA files are generally classified as data files that contain multiple images and their display properties consolidated in a digital photo album. These files are used for picture sharing with friends and family viewed with 3D page turning effects. The Master Album Maker software application offers a variety of album styles that include traditional albums, frames, picture viewers and postcards, and download additional styles when needed. The three dimensional page turning technology imitates the real photo album. It allows adding multiple images in one album and importing images from digital cameras, scanners and other detachable media devices. The user can publish the album in three ways namely stand-alone albums, Master Album Maker Viewer and thru the Web with password protection option.
Recommended mma file download:
Intrepid Mouse Master Album Maker Viewer
Detail mma file extension information:
Relevant mma file links:
How to open mma file on YoutubeHow to open mma file on Wikipedia
How to open mma file on Microsoft.com