What is a mpzip file and how do I open a mpzip file?
The MPZIP file extension is known as the Multisim Pack File or Multisim Compressed Project File. The MPZIP file format and Multisim Compressed Project were designed by National Instruments Corporation. The Multisim Compressed Project is a packed project archive that uses a CAD program for circuit design and simulation. It contains circuit designs and dependencies in a compressed format. It also allows all project data to be shared or transported to another computer. It is a program designed to help users design circuits, capture schematics and identify errors with circuits. To create a Multisim Pack file in Multisim 11, select “File”, then click on “Projects and Packaging” and select” Pack Project”. To unpack an .mpzip file, select “File” then click “Projects and Packaging” and select” Unpack Project”. A user can also upgrade project by converting all Multisim files to the latest version in a single step. In Multisim 11.0, National Instruments has made it easier to archive and pack a project into a single distributable file. Files in the MPZIP format can be opened with National Instruments Multisim in Microsoft Windows platforms
Recommended mpzip file download:
National Instruments Multisim
Detail mpzip file extension information:
Relevant mpzip file links:
How to open mpzip file on YoutubeHow to open mpzip file on Wikipedia
How to open mpzip file on Microsoft.com