What is a muf file and how do I open a muf file?
The MUF file extension is known as the Alpha Five License File which was developed by Alpha Software. The Alpha Five License is a program for creating web applications. The MUF file format deals with temporary files produced by Alpha Five to monitor the multi user information. It contains data that determines the maximum number of users that can access a database. It allows user to control and track database users. When the number of database users exceeds the required amount, it displays an error message. Error is visible also when .muf file is marked read-only and if it is located in a directory that is inaccessible to the user. When a crash occurs, MUF is left on disk, so database users should exit Alpha Five and manually delete the data file. Another way to resolved it is to remove the read-only attribute from the file in Windows Explorer and by obtaining access rights to the directory that contains the .muf file. Files in MUF format can be opened with Alpha Software Alpha Five in Microsoft Windows platforms.
Recommended muf file download:
Alpha Software Alpha Five
Detail muf file extension information:
Relevant muf file links:
How to open muf file on YoutubeHow to open muf file on Wikipedia
How to open muf file on Microsoft.com