What is a mx file and how do I open a mx file?
The MX file extension is known as the Mathematica Serialized Package File which was developed by Wolfram Research. The Mathematica Serialized Package is a desktop application used for computation and visualization. It stores Mathematica expressions in a proprietary serialized format. It is used for distributing Mathematica packages and optimized fast loading. This binary file format which means, is not human readable. They cannot be exchanged between different operating systems or versions of Mathematica because they are system dependent. They can be created using DumpSave and read using Get. DumpSave writes definitions for a symbol, all symbols, or for several symbols. They can also be imported and exported using the Import and Export command. For example, Import ["myFile.mx"] reads the MX file and returns an expression. Similarly, Export ["myFile.mx", expr] serializes the "expr" expression and saves it to an MX file. Files in MX format can be opened with Wolfram Research Mathematica in Microsoft Windows or Mac platforms.
Relevant mx file links:
How to open mx file on YoutubeHow to open mx file on Wikipedia
How to open mx file on Microsoft.com