What is a nfl file and how do I open a nfl file?
The NFL file extension is also known as the ` Nokia Flash Lite Package File which was developed by Nokia. Flash Lite is a technology developed by Adobe Systems. It is a lightweight version of Adobe's Flash technology. The NFL file format is used to distribute Flash Lite applications for Nokia mobile devices. It is saved in a compressed .zip format and contains a .swf file and a text descriptor files descriptor.inf. It is often used for storing mobile media player skins. It is supported on Nokia Series 40 5th Edition, Feature Pack 1 or later devices. NFL files may also include a 256 color icon .png image with a 36x36 or 43x43 pixel resolution. The icon image can include a transparent background and may only be 16Kb in size. The creation of the .nfl format is similar to WRT Widget packaging with the requirement only being the inclusion of some mandatory files (including .swf) in the NFL package.
Relevant nfl file links:
How to open nfl file on YoutubeHow to open nfl file on Wikipedia
How to open nfl file on Microsoft.com