What is a nmp file and how do I open a nmp file?
The NMP file extension is known as the NewsMaker Project File which was developed by EyePower Games. It is a file format associated by NewsMaker, a program used by students to create news stories or presentations. It is saved in a plain text XML format and contains a listing of news stories files (.sty extension) and video clips, which store the student's story recorded using a webcam in the software. When NewsMaker projects are finished, they are published to a video file that is shared with teachers and classmates. Files in NMP format can be opened with EyePower Games NewsMaker in Microsoft Windows and Mac OS platforms. NewsMaker has been shortlisted as one of the finalists of the prestigious CODiE Awards 2011. It gives students the opportunity to improve their language skills by planning, writing, and publishing a video news report. They write their own news story within the software and the computer serves as teleprompter. Several schools in Singapore use the program for their English classes.
Relevant nmp file links:
How to open nmp file on YoutubeHow to open nmp file on Wikipedia
How to open nmp file on Microsoft.com