What is a np file and how do I open a np file?
The NP file extension is also known as the Portfolio NetPublish File which was developed by Extensis Incorporated. It is a web template file format associated with Portfolio NetPublish. It contains image of catalog that can be published to the Web in the form of a sub catalog. It includes references to the images, executable files, compiled libraries, and JavaScript files which are all used to create the interface for searching and browsing the catalog of images on the Web. The NP file extension was professionally developed by integrating the JavaScript engine of Netscape and displayed a range of borders, navigations buttons, layouts, and other features of a Web page. It also permits administrators to monitor the visits and downloads on the Web site. It also record significant Web site statistics. Files in NP format can be opened with Extensis Portfolio NetPublish in Microsoft Windows and Mac OS platforms.
Relevant np file links:
How to open np file on YoutubeHow to open np file on Wikipedia
How to open np file on Microsoft.com