What is an oeaccount file and how do I open an oeaccount file?
The OEACCOUNT file extension is known as Windows Mail Account File or the account property data file which was developed by Microsoft. It is a file format for the XML account data that contains account name, email address, email server address, connection information or settings, encrypted passwords, and preferences. It is generated whenever a new email or news feed account is created. Files are in simple text format and do not support HTTPMail server types. Windows Mail names OEACCOUNT files as "account {ID}.oeaccount", where "ID" is unique generated identifier for the user account. OEACCOUNT files are located in the "Windows Mail" subfolder from the "Microsoft" folder. Or user can OEACCOUNT locate in the following directory: [user]AppDataLocalMicrosoftWindows Mail. The .oeaccount file extension was introduced with Windows Vista and was previously called Outlook Express. Files in OEACCOUNT format can be opened with Microsoft Windows Mail in Microsoft Windows platforms. Account property data files are located in subdirectories such as Microsoft Help Group and Local Folders.
Recommended oeaccount file download:
Microsoft Windows Mail
Detail oeaccount file extension information:
Relevant oeaccount file links:
How to open oeaccount file on YoutubeHow to open oeaccount file on Wikipedia
How to open oeaccount file on Microsoft.com