What is an olk file and how do I open an olk file?
The OLK file extension is known as Outlook Address Book File which was developed by Microsoft. It is a file format used for address book which contains contact information for people and organizations. It stores names, phone numbers, addresses, titles, organization data, and other contact information. It is used for saving and loading contacts. The Outlook Address Book is a virtual address book instead of a physical address book because Outlook does not store the Outlook Address Book as a file that is separate from your data store. OLK files can be opened manually in Outlook 2003 by typing the following command: Outlook.exe /l olk_filename. OLK files can also be opened by Microsoft Word 2003 and used for mail merge and other document operations. Files in OLK format can be opened by Microsoft Outlook 2010 and Microsoft Word 2010 in Microsoft Windows platforms. Outlook contacts are more often stored as Personal Address Book (.pab) files.
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Relevant olk file links:
How to open olk file on YoutubeHow to open olk file on Wikipedia
How to open olk file on Microsoft.com