What is an olk14even file and how do I open an olk14even file?
The OLK14event file extension is known as Outlook Calendar Event File which was developed by Microsoft. It is a file format support for email and calendar management application. It stores data for an event on the Outlook calendar, including the date, time, and invitees. It is used for saving a local cache of events, even if the calendar is saved remotely. They are saved to subdirectories of the following directory in Mac OS X:[user]/Documents/Microsoft User Data/Office 2011 Identities/Main Identity/Data Records/Events/. Files in OLK14event format can be opened with Microsoft Outlook 2010 in Mac OS platforms. In Outlook, an "event" is a milestone or all-day activity, like a birthday, a due date, or a vacation. In Outlook 97, 98, and 2000, user can schedule one-time or recurring events. For users who share their calendar to other people, there are three ways to ensure privacy for some appointments: to mark a single appointment as private, to mark all appointments as private by default and to create another calendar for private appointments.
Recommended olk14even file download:
Microsoft Outlook 2013
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Relevant olk14even file links:
How to open olk14even file on YoutubeHow to open olk14even file on Wikipedia
How to open olk14even file on Microsoft.com