What is an olk14mess file and how do I open an olk14mess file?
The OLK14MESSAGE file extension is known as Outlook Message File which was developed by Microsoft. It is a file format that contains the email's header information or the pointer message, but not the email’s body contents. The header section contains information on sender, recipients, date and maybe even time sent. They can be opened manually by double-clicking them. While they are stored in a proprietary format, fragments of the text are still viewable by using text editors such as Apple TextEdit. These files are stored to subdirectories of Mac OS X: [user]/Documents/Microsoft User Data/Office 2011 Identities/Main Identity/Data Records/Messages/ directory. It allows the program to display message overviews while browsing email. To be able to trace the path of an email address and find server information, user can view full header details or clicked detailed view option. Files in OLK14MESSAGE format can be opened with Microsoft Outlook 2011 in Mac OS platforms.
Recommended olk14mess file download:
Microsoft Outlook 2011
Detail olk14mess file extension information:
Relevant olk14mess file links:
How to open olk14mess file on YoutubeHow to open olk14mess file on Wikipedia
How to open olk14mess file on Microsoft.com