What is an olk14note file and how do I open an olk14note file?
The OLK14Note is a file extension known as Outlook Note File which was developed by Microsoft. It is a file format used for storing personal and business notes logged by the user. It contains a note, which was created using the Notes section of Outlook. It also contains the note formatting as well as the written text. They are saved to subdirectories of the following directory: [user]/Documents/Microsoft User Data/Office 2011 Identities/Main Identity/Data Records/Messages/. They are saved in binary format; however text fragments can be read by a text editor. Files in OLK14Note format can be opened with Microsoft Outlook 2011 in Mac OS platforms. The Note is the only item that doesn’t use menus and toolbars and looks like a yellow square. To change the look of the note, it can be by right-clicking on it and choosing the color option from the drop-down box. This helps to group notes of similar subjects together.
Recommended olk14note file download:
Microsoft Outlook 2011
Detail olk14note file extension information:
Relevant olk14note file links:
How to open olk14note file on YoutubeHow to open olk14note file on Wikipedia
How to open olk14note file on Microsoft.com