What is an oo3 file and how do I open an oo3 file?
The .oo3 file extension is classified as data files that are usually created by the OmniOutliner program. This program is used for information organization. In other words, this software allows users to create, collect and organize data. The good thing about this software is that it is packed with amazing features such as creating documents of various types, whether they are plain text, dates, pop-ups, etc. All the files created by the software, whether they contain spreadsheets, check lists, pop-up lists and a lot more, are called .oo3 files. The .oo3 files can usually be opened with the use of The Omni Group OmniOutliner for MAC OS, but since these files can be transported into a variety of formats whether in .docx, .html, etc. it is not difficult to access these files on one’s computer even if the OmniOutliner software is not installed. Another application associated with the .oo3 file extension is the International S-57 Hydrographic Data, software used mostly in marine navigation.
Recommended oo3 file download:
The Omni Group OmniOutliner
Detail oo3 file extension information:
Relevant oo3 file links:
How to open oo3 file on YoutubeHow to open oo3 file on Wikipedia
How to open oo3 file on Microsoft.com