What is an or3 file and how do I open an or3 file?
The .or3 file extension is used by files created using the Lotus Organizer 97 software. This software which was developed by IBM is known as personal information software because it is used to organize user’s information. Users can use the software to create information about them, their to-do lists, tasks, events and other data that users want to record. In other words, the software is a good replacement for notebook organizers as electronic organizers are no doubt more convenient than actual notebooks. This helps a lot of users organize not only personal information but also business information. Now, the files that are created using the software are saved into the .or3 format no matter what the saved file contains. The .or3 files can be opened using the IBM Lotus Organizer 97 but other applications can also be used to open these files such as Lotus SmartSuite, as well as .or3 file editors and converters.
Recommended or3 file download:
IBM Lotus Organizer 97 or later
Detail or3 file extension information:
File Format: IBM Lotus Organizer 97 File
Primary Association: Data Files
Mime Type: application/vnd.lotus-organizer
Relevant or3 file links:
How to open or3 file on YoutubeHow to open or3 file on Wikipedia
How to open or3 file on Microsoft.com