What is a phd file and how do I open a phd file?
The .phd file extension is used by the program PhotoDirector which is used to edit digital photos. Files with this extension are called photo project files as they are used to refer to either the imported images or edited images using the program. This file extension supports a variety of camera formats. .phd files are also Portable Heap Dump format files and they play a great role in the creation of Javaheap dump files mainly created by Java Virtual Machine. These files contain objects related to Java that can be used to debug errors that occur in the application. The file extension is also used by Punch! CAD as plan files and they are essential to users using the application in creating model homes and landscapes in 3D format. It is also used as a game level file in the Tomb Raider video game. Other applications such as PolyHedra Database and ViewChoice also make use of the .phd file extension.
Recommended phd file download:
CyberLink PhotoDirector 4
Detail phd file extension information:
Relevant phd file links:
How to open phd file on YoutubeHow to open phd file on Wikipedia
How to open phd file on Microsoft.com